04. how to make an album cover?
Album cover is a printed front packaging of a CD disk. CD cover commonly contains essential information about the album: a singer, year, list of tracks and bonuses, total time and duration time of each track. Additionally the album cover may contain pictures and photos of a singer, concert information and other important data for music fans.
Album covers are also essential for home collections for systematization of disks, easy search for a necessary concert and for keeping important data.
This step by step tutorial will teach you how to make an album cover on your own using a simple album cover maker. This tool will let you create amazing, professionally looking album covers in a matter of minutes.
RonyaSoft cover maker is an optimum solution for home usage and for business creating digital presentation kits for goods and services. It is the most cost effective way of mass production of printed disk elements as inserts, covers, cases covering a full production cycle: from creating an album cover design to editing and printing.
Following the instructions of this tutorial you will get an album cover with an insert like this one:
The Album Cover

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To make your own album cover you will need to create a design for CD Front Double Insert for both sides and a design for CD Back Insert.
Front Insert commonly keeps the name of a singer or an artist, the name of the album and the year, while the Back Insert contains a list of tracks with play time.
To do this, you need to start RonyaSoft album cover maker and to select 'Start from a Template' in the 'Startup Wizard' dialog box. Choose a necessary template from a selection of available formats and types:
Choose a Template Dialog Box

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First, we create an insert for CD case.
Сhoose a background image. You can upload an image you like or use one of the standard backgrounds or color fills. We choose an image for the background of the album insert as we need to rotate the picture.
The Image Editor Dialog Box

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We switch front and back parts of the template to make our insert open as a booklet instead of book-type opening.
The next step is filling the insert with necessary data. We change the text format (font and size), add another image and draw a logo using 'Ellipse' object. You will discover all available options in the 'Insert' menu or on the 'Objects' toolbar.
Editing text is simple. Album cover maker uses a simple mode of click and edit. Clicking a desired object will open a menu on the 'Properties' windows with all available options.
Mind, that you can use an official logo of a singer or an artist by uploading it from your PC. RonyaSoft CD DVD label maker provides you with all necessary tools for image editing. You can rotate, resize an image as well as set its transforming.
The Ellipse Properties Window

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Then we create another project for the second side of the insert. This part of album cover will contain additional information on tracks as well as a blank field for notes.
The Line Properties Window

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In order to avoid typing in a list of tracks you can use the automatic option of 'Read CD Tracks…' in 'File' submenu of 'Main' menu. This will help to eliminate typos and mistakes.
The CD Track Reader Dialog Box

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Then we create an insert for the back part of an album case. For this part of the insert you can try various fonts, colors and styles to make an album cover look professional.
Album cover templates also provide you essential hints with text fields with standard place holders as Album Title on the side pieces of a CD cover. Please, do not forget to edit these text fields.
The Text Properties Window

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Now, the album cover is ready. The last step is printing the cover and inserting it in a plastic case. Printing the cover is simple. You need just to click a 'Print' icon and to set necessary options as printer and number of copies.
It is easy to make your own album cover and inserts for CD/DVD disks with RonyaSoft label maker. However there are some tips which will turn the process even simpler:
- Always save your templates as different projects. This will enable you to reuse the projects with less editing the next time.
- Do not change the dimensions of a template. All types of templates in RonyaSoft album cover maker are of standard sizes excellently fitting standard CD/DVD cases. Changing the dimensions of an album cover you will get the inserts incompatible with typical cases. Mind, that to make your own album cover, you can create a new document with a template generator. In a new workspace you will see available controls and options. You will need to choose a type of template from a drop down menu and to set a size of a new template. We recommend using standard dimensions of disk cases. This option is of great use for projects featuring custom size CD cases.
- Before you start any project, please, check all the available options in the template section. RonyaSoft album cover maker contains ready to use templates for many tasks.
RonyaSoft album cover maker is an optimum tool for home and business usage enabling you to create professionally looking CD DVD covers, inserts, cases and other printed elements for disk collections.
The key benefit of album cover maker is great usability. You do not need to waste time for mastering the basics of how to make an album cover. RonyaSoft cover maker is much simpler than many professional image editing tools. This application allows you to make your own album cover in several simple steps in an intuitively clear and familiar interface with just necessary options at hand.
RonyaSoft album cover maker offers the most cost effective way of mass production of album covers, inserts and other printed elements for disk collections at home or in the office with no additional expenses for cover design and professional printing.
With RonyaSoft album cover maker you will get amazing CD DVD covers and inserts with so little efforts and expenses!