How to print two labels on the sheet?

The main idea of software is to create beauty label designs printable on any label paper. And you have to specify paper vendor and label position on the printing stage in the Setup Printout dialog. That's why it is not possible to print two labels on the sheets same time. But you may print first label, insert paper sheet again in the printer and print the second one.

Why the diameter of label templates with bleeds is bigger than diameter of real CD?

Labels with bleeds include inner and outer circular 4 mm bleeds to compensate centering error when printing on label stock. In case if it is not necessary to use bleeds, choose label templates witouth bleeds. See Creating a new document from a template for more info.

In the 'PrintOut Setup' dialog, I ticked 'Disc Surface' but the produce is on the A4 paper. How can I get it printed directly onto the disc?

To print a CD label on a CD printer you have to switch printer input feed to disk tray in the Printer properties first. You may do this in the Printer Settings dialog before start printing.

Is there a possibility to enter default Printer and Printout settings and so not to edit them each time the user starts printing?

When edited inside the software, various printer settings (default printer, paper format, tray type, etc.) are valid only during one program session. To make them constant and save between sessions, you should turn to global default settings. First, select your printer from the system Control Panel-> Printers list. Second, run the Printer Settings dialog box and change settings. Mark the printer as default if necessary. When the software starts, default system printer settings will be applied.

Document printout settings (paper type, printer model, adjustment) are to be entered for every new project. But after printing a document with own printout options, you can save the file as a template and start every new project from it. In that case, new print settings will be applied.

What should I do if my label stock paper is not available in the list of labels?

You may choose plain paper type and enter label position adjustment manually. See Printing a document for more info.

Alternatively you may add own label stock paper support. Copy, rename and edit the CustomPaper.ini file located in the C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\RonyaSoft\CD DVD Label Maker\Labels folder for this purpose. Do not forget to send us copy of the newly created file.

What should I do if my CD DVD label printer is not available in the list of printers?

At first try to choose printer from the same series as yours. The same series printers generally have the same disc trays.

If nothing helps, choose plain paper type and enter label position adjustment manually. See Printing a document for more info.

Alternatively you may add own label printer support. Copy, rename and edit the CustomPrinter.ini file located in the C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\RonyaSoft\CD DVD Label Maker\Printers folder for this purpose. Do not forget to send us copy of the newly created file.

Where can I get additional templates?

You may generate new custom size documents using Template Generator and store them as templates. See Creating a new document with the Template Generator and Save as template for more info.

You may create own documents based on exisiting templates and store them as template too. See Creating a new document from a template and Save as template for more info.

You may also check the latest software version for necessary templates and then contact us and suggest your ideas about new kind of templates.

How to save a label in an image/pdf format?

To obtain an image or pdf file from the .rdl label project file you have to save it as image or pdf using File-Save As Image/PDF command. See Saving a document as an image/pdf for more info.

How to print labels in the print shop?

See Printing in a print shop for more info.

How do I save the label file to print on other printers?

To print labels on other printers you have to save it in general formats like JPG, or PDF first. Read How to save a label in an image/pdf format?

How to load two images on a background?

The background image is stretched around documents size. You may load only one image as a background. Where you may want a few new images in the background you may load extra images as ordinary image objects, place them accurately, then and Send them to the Back. See Inserting objects and Ordering objects for more info.

I reloaded an image and now a part of it is cropped. How can I fix that?

When you reload an image with the Keep aspect ratio option on, the software tries to keep the aspect ratio of the image object. If the aspect ratio of a new image is different, the Image Editor will be displayed for the user to crop the image. This is why certain images will be cropped after reloading. See Editing an image property for more info.

To reload a full image without cropping:

  1. Uncheck the Keep aspect ratio checkbox.
  2. Reload an image.
  3. Switch on the Keep aspect ratio option back.

Instead of reloading you may also try to insert a new image object. See Inserting objects for more info.

I cannot adjust the size of an image object without distortion. What am I to do?

With the Keep aspect ratio checkbox selected, the software controls the size of the image and preserves its aspect ratio while changing the size. If the Keep aspect ratio checkbox is unchecked, the image will be stretched and thus distorted.

To adjust the image size without distortion, do the following:

  1. Uncheck the Keep aspect ratio checkbox. See Editing object properties for more info.
  2. Set the necessary size of the image object. See Resizing objects for more info.
  3. Open the Image Editor. See Editing an image property for more info.
  4. Select the Keep aspect ratio checkbox in the dialog box. The marquee box aspect ratio will be updated to fit the current image object.
  5. With the help of the marquee box specify the visible part of the image to be displayed.
  6. Click the Ok button.

The color or another object property is not shown in the Properties Editor. How can I edit it?

You may be trying to edit a Group object. It is necessary to ungroup a Group object at first. See Grouping objects for more info. After that you can edit properties of the nested objects. See Editing object properties for more info. Finally, group the objects back.

I am trying to move an object using the Move Forward command but nothing happens. How can I change object order?

Every separate object is treated as a separate layer and has its unique Z-index. See Ordering objects for more info. Even if you see one object overlapping another, their Z-indexes might differ greatly: for example, the index may be equal to 5 for the back object and 10 for the front one. In that case you will have to apply the Move Forward command for five times to move the back object ahead.

How to transfer some objects from one document to another?

You may use the clipboard for this purpose. See Using the clipboard for more info.

Why can't I edit the text copied from a Microsoft Word application via clipboard?

If the clipboard contains any graphic data, then it will be pasted as a metafile image object and text cannot be edited. To skip this, select only text before copying, or use the next tip. Open a notepad document, paste data to it and then recopy data to the clipboard. This deletes any graphic data from the clipboard and transforms it to plain text.

Double clicking on the text opens an Open metafile dialogue box. What to do?

Some text object in templates are created as graphics in third-party software tools and loaded as metafiles. The text is not editable in this case.

Some objects look very blurred on the screen. Will the same effect be present on a print?

Quality document rendering requires a lot of PC resources and may be slow, that is why a low or normal rendering quality mode may be applied to you screen. To preview the real quality of the printed document, use High screen rendering mode. See Customizing the application for more info. If some images are still pixelated, try to use higher resolution images.

Some objects look blurred on the print or image/pdf. How can I improve the quality of them?

To get better quality, switch to a higher print/export rendering mode to apply more powerful enlargement algorithms when rendering graphics. See Customizing the application for more info.

The software works slowly. How can I make it quicker?

Document rendering requires a lot of PC resources such as CPU and memory usage. To make software work quicker, try the following:

  1. Reduce rendering quality of the document. See Customizing the application for more info.
  2. Decrease the width and height of large document objects. See Editing object properties for more info.
  3. Stop using transparency by setting the Opacity value for semitransparent objects to 100 percent. See Editing object properties for more info.
  4. Upgrade your PC hardware, including CPU and RAM size.

An error message appears about lack of memory. What am I to do?

Not enough memory to render the document and its objects. At first, try to apply the Undo command. See See Undoing commands for more info. Then try to reduce memory usage. See The software works slowly. How can I make it quicker? for more info.

An error occurred when saving a document as an image/pdf. What am I to do?

At first, try to downscale the image size when saving as an image/pdf. See Saving a document as an image/pdf for more info. Then try to reduce memory usage. See The software works slowly. How can I make it quicker? for more info.

An error occurred when printing a document. What am I to do?

Try to reduce memory usage. See The software works slowly. How can I make it quicker? for more info.

How can I add fonts to the program?

Download free fonts or order commercial variants at first. Then install additional fonts onto your system. Copy font files to the Windows fonts folder Windows/Fonts to install them.

A lot of interesting fonts are available at http://www.fontsquirrel.com/ and http://www.kernest.com/.

How can I register the application for all users of the PC?

When entering registration data, run the application under an account with administrator privileges. After clicking the Register button in the Registration dialog box you will be prompted to register application for all users.

Can I use created labels and covers for commercial purposes?

Yes, providing you have ordered a Business or Enterprise license. See License for more info about types of licenses.