02. Popular DVD case dimensions
A DVD case is the best way to keep disks safe, undamaged and well organized. Most popular DVD cases are made from rigid or soft plastic which can be either transparent or opaque. As usual, the case contains one disk but there are also options for 2 or even 3 disks. In any case, there are some standards for CD case manufacturing as they should suit both special stands for CDs and holders to keep them in. Besides, you can get a blanc CD case to create a cover for it that will show the essence of the content you have on a CD. RonyaSoft CD DVD Label Maker will help you print your own custom DVD case inserts or covers meeting standard DVD case dimensions considering the type of the case you choose.
With RonyaSoft CD label software, you will be able:
- To produce and print DVD covers with dimensions you want, as many as you need and as fast as you need using your brand identity (for business) or pictures and signs you want (for home usage).
- To forget about marking the disks with handwriting.
- To change disk inserts whenever you want.
- To create a music library with CD covers that will form a collection with a special design.
With RonyaSoft CD DVD Label Maker you will be able to change the insert or cover whenever you want and use the same case for another disk. All you need to start your CD DVD covers creation with RonyaSoft is just to do the following steps:
- Download the CD DVD cover creator software.
- Get a CD case.
- Choose its measurements from the list below.
- Choose the cover template in the software and edit it to suit the CD case format.
DVD cases are convenient, simple to use and cheap. Moreover they are durable and in most cases re-usable. With RonyaSoft CD DVD Label Maker you will be able to change the insert or cover whenever you want and to use the same case for another disk.
Measurements of a DVD cases

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Let us review top popular DVD disk cases, standard DVD case dimensions and the options RonyaSoft offers to you.
Keep case
Keep case, which is created first by Amaray, is a standard DVD case made of black opaque plastic, however transparent and color versions are possible. Each case can keep up to 4 disks. The standard measurements of a DVD case is 184 mm х 130 mm and 14 mm thick or 7.2 in × 5.1 in and 0.6 in thick. The case provides proper protection for the disks and holds them fast, no matter what happens. The plastic which is used for keep case is much softer and less rigid than the one used for jewel cases. Thus the box is much more durable and lasting.
RonyaSoft offers various keep case templates which meet the standard DVD case size. The editor allows you to change background picture, text blocks and add all necessary information. The side margin is used to indicate essential disk data in short (title, years, special notes).
Standard DVD Cover dimensions

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Slim Amaray is a variation of standard keep case, but is much slimmer. The Slim Amaray disk case can keep up to two disks. Slim Amaray DVD cover dimensions are 184 mm х 130 mm with 8 mm thick or 7.2 in × 5.1 in with 0.4 in thick. Due to 'slimmer' DVD cover dimensions such cases take less space and allow to store more disks in a limited space.
Opaque disk cases are wrapped outside on with transparent plastic for DVD cover to be inserted. RonyaSoft will assist you to print proper sized covers.
Slim DVD Cover dimensions

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Super-Slim Amaray is another variation of keep case. However the measurements of a DVD case is something smaller: 184 mm х 130 mm with only 7 mm thick or 7.2 in × 5.1 in with 0.3 in thick.
RonyaSoft CD DVD Label Maker comes with various templates meeting standard DVD case dimensions. However, we recommend to measure a DVD case before you will edit and print a paper cover to get sure that the printed cover will perfectly suit the case. With Template Generator you will be able to change or adjust the dimensions of a cover (or create a completely new template) to make it perfectly fit the case.
Template Generator

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Mind that even standard cases can come with some size defects (being narrower or taller). Thus additional measuring is necessary to ensure proper printed DVD case size.
Blu-ray cases
Blu-ray cases are specific boxes for blu-ray disks. The covers needed for such types of cases are narrower as they do not wrap the entire box. RonyaSoft CD DVD Label Maker provides you the next Blu-ray DVD cover dimensions:
US Blu-ray case - 148 mm x 128.5 mm and 12 mm thick or 5.8 in x 5 in and 0.6 in thick.
US Blu-ray Cover dimensions

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UK Blu-ray case – 148 mm x 129 mm and 14 mm thick or 5.8 in x 5 in and 0.7 in thick.
UK Blu-ray Cover dimensions

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You can also simply change the DVD case dimensions in Template Generator and create best fitting covers for the cases.
With RonyaSoft CD DVD Label Maker you will be able to create different inserts for Blu-ray disks.
Blu-ray insert is a simple, one side insert of a standard DVD case size - 145 mm x 118 mm or 5.7 in x 4.6 in. The insert keeps title of the disk and additional informations (for example, a list of videos on the disk).
Blu-ray Insert dimensions

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Blu-ray double insert – a two-part insert (front and back) for standard Blu-ray case size - 145 mm x 117.5 mm or 5.7 in x 4.65 in. On such a double insert you can print much more information on the disk content.
Blu-ray Double Insert dimensions

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Snap case – is a type of DVD and CD case which is made of thick multi-layer cardboard with specific plastic disk holders. This type of disk case is not as popular. Snap case has got its name due to snapping of the back part over the right edge of the front part. Warner Brothers and New Line Cinema are the only production studios releasing disks in such cases. However RonyaSoft CD DVD Label offer snap case templates which you can edit and print for such types of cases.
There are other types of disk cases you can opt for. For example, if you need the slimmest and durable Blu-ray case you can choose a Super-jewel box. It has the same construction as the CD jewel case but 1,5 times taller. The Super-jewel DVD case dimensions are 190 mm x 142.2 mm and 10.4 mm thick or 7.5 in x 5.6 in and 0.4 in thick. However this is one of the most vulnerable to mechanical damages. The case is easily cracked and split.
Slip-case is another type of Blu-ray disk cover. This case consists of a simple Amaray box with a soft cardboard wrapper. RonyaSoft CD DVD Label Maker provides you with necessary templates of corresponding measurements of a DVD case.
Steel-book is one of the most durable and reliable Blu-ray cases. It looks like a simple Amaray case, but consists of two parts. The upper part is made from steel, while the inner part (the insert) is made of soft plastic for disk holding. Such type of case can keep up to 6 disks. You will also find templates in RonyaSoft DVD Label Maker which excellently fit DVD cover dimensions.
RonyaSoft CD DVD Label Maker is a perfect assistant for your business or home hobby providing you with all necessary cover templates to fit any DVD case size. The editor lets you in a few simple clicks to change the look of the cover and the Template Generator will adjust the size of the cover to necessary DVD case dimensions.
We’ve described to you all the popular CD/DVD case dimensions and detailed their measurements so you can use that information in your CD cover creation. Just choose the right format of a CD and specify it in the RonyaSoft CD DVD Label Maker. Then adjust the template you choose for your ideas and print it. After you cut the cover insert you can put it into the CD case and prove it suits perfectly.